Jericho Security | Resources

Voice Phishing Simulator

Written by Jericho Security Contributor | May 1, 2024

Jericho Security uses AI to fight AI in new frontier of cybersecurity.

We’re building a suite of AI-powered tools to help businesses defend against this new technology.

Voice phishing rapidly becoming a top medium for cyber threat actors. Protect your employees by simulating hyperpersonalised voice and phone call phishing attacks, enabling teams to recognize and respond to new AI threats, resulting in increased testing efficiency, reduced costs, and fewer security incidents.

How it works: Voice phishing simulator

Evaluate team readiness

Utilize scenarios that reflect the latest voice phishing attack techniques to evaluate employee readiness and awareness across departments.

Uncover vulnerabilities

Leverage phone phishing simulation results to analyze employee interactions, uncover gaps within approval processes, and identify vulnerabilities.

Adapt and evolve defenses

Jericho learns from it’s attack simulation and adapts to continuously evolve simulations and offer targeted educational content to reinforce learning outcomes.

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