Jericho Security | Resources

SMS Phishing Simulator

Written by Jericho Security Contributor | May 1, 2024

Jericho Security uses AI to fight AI in new frontier of cybersecurity.

We’re building a suite of AI-powered tools to help businesses defend against this new technology.

Elevate your security game with an SMS phishing simulator—empower your team to spot and stop phishing attacks in their tracks, drastically minimizing the risk of costly data breaches. This proactive tool transforms your employees into the first line of defense, significantly boosting your organization's resilience against sophisticated cyber threats.

How it works: SMS phishing simulator

Respond interactively

Reply to users and continue interactions, testing and improving employee responses in ongoing phishing scenarios.

Leverage multichannels

Utilize various messaging platforms such as Slack, WhatsApp, and SMS, to accommodate diverse communication habits and tech ecosystems within your organization.

Customize with ease

Instantly generate & customize sms-hing messages contextually related to emerging threats and specific workplace vulnerabilities.

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