Jericho Security | Resources

Cybersecurity Training

Written by Jericho Security Contributor | March 29, 2024

At Jericho, we understand that effective cybersecurity training is not a onesize-fits-all solution. Our commitment to providing engaging, hyperpersonalized, and compliant training content sets us apart in the industry.

Companies without adequate cybersecurity training are more vulnerable to phishing attacks.

Here are some statistics that highlight the impact of inadequate training:

Organizations with effective cybersecurity training typically see:

These statistics emphasize the importance of implementing regular and effective cybersecurity training, particularly focused on phishing awareness, to reduce the risk of costly data breaches and protect organizations from the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Jericho Security takes a new and innovative approach to training by using AI to fight AI. Our fully customizable training solutions offer the following:

Custom-fit training

Tailored cybersecurity materials addressing your organization's unique needs for maximum impact and relevance.

Lightning-fast customization

Custom training content delivered on-demand in under 24 hours using AI, keeping you ahead of the game.

Bite-sized learning

Short, digestible modules minimize work disruptions and boost retention of crucial concepts.

High-quality, seamless videos learning

Enjoy AI-generated, engaging, smooth learning experiences with quick-loading, easily accessible videos.

Dual reporting features

Generate reports in our Web-based app or your LMS to provide valuable data on employee participation, quiz scores, and more, enabling you to monitor the effectiveness of your training program.

Effortless LMS integration

Jericho's solutions work with your existing system, ensuring dual-track reporting and employee progress monitoring.

User Friendly Web App

Jericho’s cybersecurity training is accessible through our user-friendly web app, allowing employees to engage with the content at their own pace and convenience.

Regulatory compliance guaranteed

Our training programs meet and exceed industry standards like NIST 800-50, ensuring your organization stays compliant.

Expert-Driven Training

Certified Cybersecurity and Instructional Design experts develop engaging, up-todate content that addresses emerging threats and best practices.

Rapid response readiness

Customized training delivered quickly, fortifying your organization against everevolving threats.

Robust security culture

Invest in Jericho's training solutions to cultivate a vigilant workforce, reduce cyberattack risks, and strengthen your overall security posture.

By investing in Jericho's training solutions, your organization can foster a strong security culture, reduce the risk of cyberattacks, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Discover the difference that Jericho can make in your
cybersecurity training program today

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