Security Training for
State & Local Government

State and local governments face increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Phishing attacks pose a growing threat to state and local governments. A recent survey showed that all cyberattacks against government agencies have significantly increased in frequency.

  • 45% of reported cyber incidents were phishing attacks.
    (Source: Verizon's Data Breach Investigation Report)
  • 75% of local government organizations have experienced at least one phishing attack in the past year.
    (Source: Proofpoint’s State of the Phish Report)
  • $3.54 million is the average data breach cost for local government agencies.
    (Source: IBM's 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report)
  • 50% of local government officials could not differentiate between a genuine email and a phishing attempt.
    (Source: StateTech Magazine)

Protect your vital systems and data with tailored local government cybersecurity solutions from Jericho Security. Our AI-powered training, realistic simulations, and detailed analytics can prepare your teams and help you evaluate your protocols.


Cybersecurity solutions for local government

Jericho Security offers targeted solutions to common cybersecurity threats in the manufacturing industry.

Deter cyber threats

Prevent cyber attacks by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in your network. Jericho Security's AI-powered simulations create realistic attack scenarios to train your team and fortify defenses.

Jericho Security transformed our approach from a generic, one-size-fits-all model to a dynamic, AI-driven solution tailored to our needs.

Deter cyber threats

Secure valuable data

Safeguard sensitive information with advanced encryption and access controls. Our solutions ensure that only authorized personnel can access critical data, reducing the risk of breaches and leaks. Automated reports provide insights into your security status and highlight areas for improvement.

Jericho’s cost-effective solution, with its customizable training
modules and dynamic messaging, was exactly what we needed.

Secure valuable data

Maintain compliance

Stay compliant with state regulations and cybersecurity standards. Our cybersecurity solutions for local government include detailed analytics and automated reports to help you monitor security measures, track progress, and follow required protocols. Custom training videos and resources keep your team informed and ready to handle new threats.

We’ve moved from being reactive to proactive, effectively stretching our team to better recognize and respond to threats.

Maintain compliance
Top Threats

Top cybersecurity threats for
local government

E-commerce businesses face increasing threats from cybercriminals, making cybersecurity training essential. Jericho Security provides AI-powered training programs that offer significant benefits for your company.

Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks utilize emails or other messages to trick employees into revealing confidential information through deceptive emails or websites. These attacks can result in significant data breaches, financial losses, and damage to the agency's reputation. Regular training and awareness programs can help employees recognize and avoid these threats.

Jericho phishing training


Ransomware encrypts critical files before demanding payment for their release. This can halt essential services, disrupt daily operations, and incur significant recovery costs. Implementing robust backup solutions and response plans can minimize the impact of such attacks.

Data leaks

Unauthorized access or accidental exposure can lead to sensitive information being leaked. This compromises personal data, disrupts government operations, and can result in legal and financial repercussions. Strong access controls and regular audits are essential to prevent these breaches.

Benefits of cybersecurity for local government

Why choose Jericho Security for cybersecurity protection?

Improve threat detection and response times

Regular AI-driven phishing simulations sharpen employees' skills in identifying and reporting phishing attempts. This leads to faster detection and mitigation of threats, improving cybersecurity for local governments.

Reduce the risk of data breaches

Thorough phishing training and simulations significantly lower the chances of employees falling for phishing scams. This secures sensitive information and helps protect against expensive data breaches.

Better compliance with regulations

Continuous training programs help government agencies meet industry standards and regulations. This commitment to data security demonstrates a proactive approach to protecting sensitive information.

Stay prepared for new threats

Regular updates to phishing simulations and training content ensure that government agencies remain equipped to tackle the latest cyber threats. This proactive strategy helps maintain strong defenses against evolving tactics.

Why Jericho?

Why choose Jericho for your cybersecurity support?

Phishing attacks are ever-present and constantly evolving. As e-commerce businesses seek to protect themselves, innovative cybersecurity solutions are essential. Jericho Security offers advanced e-commerce cybersecurity protection that sets us apart from traditional vendors.

AI-powered training programs
Jericho provides AI-powered training programs that simulate real-world phishing attacks. These cybersecurity solutions for local government help employees recognize and respond to threats quickly and accurately.

Customized security solutions
We offer tailored security solutions designed specifically for the needs of local governments. Our approach ensures your unique vulnerabilities are addressed and protected.

Advanced threat analytics
Jericho's advanced threat analytics provide detailed reports and insights. This helps you monitor your security status, track progress, and make informed decisions about your cyber defenses.

Proactive cybersecurity solutions for state and local government

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Why is cybersecurity important in local government?

Cybersecurity is essential for local governments to protect sensitive information, maintain public trust, and ensure the uninterrupted operation of vital services. Effective cybersecurity measures prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

Cyber attackers target local governments because they hold valuable data and may have weaker security measures compared to larger entities. Local governments provide critical services, making them prime targets for disruption.

The biggest cybersecurity threats for local governments include phishing attacks, ransomware, and data leaks. These threats can lead to significant financial losses, service disruptions, and compromised information.

Jericho Security’s training programs equip employees with the skills to identify and respond to cyber threats. Our AI-powered simulations create realistic scenarios, helping staff recognize phishing attacks and respond quickly. This reduces the risk of data breaches and enhances overall security.

Protect state and local government
assets with Jericho Security

Don't leave your state or local government offices vulnerable to cyber attacks. Protect sensitive information and ensure the smooth operation of essential services with Jericho Security's advanced solutions. Our AI-driven training programs and custom analytics can equip your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to keep your government operations secure.