Jericho Security | Glossary

Jericho's Cybersecurity Glossary | Typosquatting

Written by Jericho Security Team | Sep 28, 2024 7:47:56 PM


Typosquatting (or URL hijacking) is a type of cyberattack where attackers create fraudulent websites with URLs that are similar to legitimate sites, relying on typographical errors made by users when typing web addresses.

Use Cases:

  • Used by attackers to trick users into visiting malicious websites that closely resemble legitimate ones, often for phishing or malware distribution.
  • Employed in brand impersonation attacks where attackers register misspelled domain names to steal credentials or financial information.

Related Terms:

Questions and Answers:

  • How does typo squatting work?
    Attackers register domain names that closely resemble legitimate ones, hoping that users will make typos and visit the fraudulent website by mistake.

  • What are the consequences of typosquatting?
    Users may inadvertently visit malicious websites and fall victim to phishing attacks, malware infections, or credential theft.

  • How can users protect against typosquatting?
    Users should carefully check URLs before entering sensitive information, use browser bookmarks for important websites, and rely on anti-phishing tools.