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Cyber Security Threats in Energy & Utilities Sector Multiply: Study

Written by Jericho Security Contributor | February 1, 2024


Cyber security threats in the energy and utilities sector have scaled up in recent years not only in terms of their number but also their intensity. In fact, the energy sector has become a major target for sophisticated spear-phishing attacks, which pose significant risks to its stability and security. As per a research report from Barracuda, the alarming increase in the  attacks' scale and impact, causes substantial financial and reputational damage. 

Since the best way of dealing with spear phishing of all types is to learn more about phishing emails and even gain experience with them, we’ll analyze all the findings of this report here ranging from the current state of the energy and utilities infrastructure to the vulnerabilities that result in increased exposure to such threats. We’ll even delve into how spear phishing tactics are evolving to target specific vulnerabilities in the industry and the best ways of neutralizing the cyber security threats in the energy and utilities sector.

Rising Tide of Spear-Phishing Attacks

  • 73% of energy and utility organizations experienced successful spear-phishing attacks in 2022, compared to a 50% average across industries.
  • The average cost of recovery from the most expensive attack in this sector reached $1.31 million, reflecting the complex challenges in managing dispersed digital assets and the severe financial penalties incurred.

Vulnerability Landscape: Expanding Attack Surface

  • Rapid digital transformation has increased the number of potential entry points for cyber attacks on energy infrastructure.
  • Increased interconnectivity within the energy grid and reliance on third-party supply chains expand the attack surface.
  • Common remote access trojans (RATs) like Agent Tesla, AZORult, and Formbook are used to steal sensitive data and disrupt operations.

Evolving Tactics: Deceptive Sophistication

  • Highly targeted emails mimic legitimate business correspondence, referencing real executives, physical addresses, and incorporating authentic logos.
  • State-sponsored attacks target critical infrastructure, as evidenced by Russian hackers attempting to infiltrate U.S. electric utility control rooms.

Securing the Future: Investing in Robust Cybersecurity

To combat these energy sector cyber threats, Jericho Security's AI-powered simulation and training platform simulates spear-phishing scenarios. This reinforces employees' ability to recognize and respond to sophisticated attacks.


The energy sector is a vital part of the national infrastructure, and as such, it faces an ever-evolving threat of spear-phishing attacks. Energy companies can protect their operations, sensitive data, and the stability and security of the energy grid by investing in robust cybersecurity solutions, implementing comprehensive security protocols, customizing training, and maintaining continuous vigilance.

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