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What are the Pros and Cons of AI Technology

Written by Jericho Security Contributor | October 19, 2023

In this digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly, bringing both innovation and new vulnerabilities to the forefront. This double-edged sword of AI is particularly relevant in cybersecurity, where technological advances equip both organizations and malicious actors with more sophisticated tools. 

At Jericho Security, we recognize the significance of staying informed and proactive, ensuring that your digital assets remain unbreachable. In this article, we’ll outline the pros and cons of artificial intelligence in the security sphere – and what you can do to stay ahead. 

The pros and cons of AI for security  

While AI offers revolutionary potential, it also escalates the risk of sophisticated cyber threats, especially in phishing domains. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of AI in cybersecurity. 

The cons of AI in cybersecurity

One of the benefits of AI technologies is the ability to recognize and rapidly replicate complex patterns in data. In the wrong hands, this ability can be used to create highly developed scams, phishing attacks, deep fakes, and more—to deceive and extract information from the end user. 

Evolving phishing tactics

With AI, phishing techniques have evolved to a degree where they're almost indistinguishable from genuine communications. Phishing attacks – where attackers pose as trustworthy entities to link to malware or extract personal information – are responsible for 80-95% of security incidents. Phishing presents a major security threat to businesses, and AI technologies are facilitating the creation of increasingly sophisticated attacks, including smishing, spear phishing, whaling, and vishing. 

Increased access to generative AI makes it increasingly simple for malicious actors to create convincing phishing emails, social media messages, and other text-based forms of phishing. In addition, as generative AI moves beyond natural language processing into the realms of audio and video generation, other types of AI-enabled phishing become possible, including vishing (voice phishing), video phishing, and the use of deepfakes. 

Increasingly deceptive deepfakes

Deepfake technologies make it possible to create convincing fake media, including audio and video. These digitally manipulated images, videos, and audio recordings can be used to spread false information or extort and blackmail high-profile individuals. 

Deepfake phishing is a relatively new type of phishing in which synthetic media is used to manipulate victims. This can be achieved via videoconferencing (often to extract personal or financial information), voice messages (in which the voice of a trusted individual is replicated), or video messages. 

As these emerging technologies become more capable of convincingly replicating voices and images, they present unprecedented challenges in trust and verification.

The pros of AI in cybersecurity

While the misuse of AI technologies presents challenges, AI also equips organizations to respond quickly and accurately to security threats. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of AI technologies for cybersecurity. 

Faster, more sophisticated threat detection 

One of the most significant benefits of using AI technologies in security is the ability to identify and neutralize security threats rapidly. Unlike human analysts, AI systems can process and analyze large quantities of data at speed and do so 24/7. This allows organizations to be on guard against security threats around the clock. The use of automated processes can also save time and make staying on top of potential threats easier. At Jericho Security, we combine human insight with state-of-the-art AI tools, and our defenses are reinforced with multi-layered authentication mechanisms.

Hyper-personalized phishing simulations 

Just as AI technologies make it possible to create convincing phishing attacks, they can also be used to form a comprehensive defense against attacks. AI-generated phishing simulations involve creating and testing hyper-realistic phishing scenarios, including phishing emails, social media phishing, SMS phishing, domain spoofing, and more. AI makes it possible to rapidly personalize phishing simulations based on demographic information, job roles, connections, and even interests. 

By training your organization using AI-created phishing simulations, you’re equipping your team to identify the real thing better. 

Continuous innovation

Just as AI threats continue to develop, so do our responses. The use of AI in cybersecurity equips us to rapidly adapt to emerging threats, leveling up defenses against even the most sophisticated attacks. By understanding and leveraging AI's strengths, you can ensure your organization is adequately equipped to counter even the most advanced AI security threats.

Upgrade your security with AI-powered cybersecurity training 

Organizations that implement cybersecurity training benefit from a 70% reduction in the number of successful phishing attacks. 

At Jericho Security, we empower your organization to defend itself against even the most sophisticated AI phishing and security threats. Using AI to fight AI, we help you stay ahead of the curve with ultra-personalized phishing simulations and security training. 

To book a demonstration or learn more about how we can help your organization, contact Jericho Security today. Let's shape a future where AI's potential is harnessed and its threats are effectively countered.